The day started bright and early at 7:30am, and ended when Lauren and I got home from the girls championship game at 9:30pm. Well, maybe it wasn't so bright. It rained most of the day. But the kids played through the wet and mud. It stopped raining for the last half of the last game (which was nice). Both kids did their best and got some
exercise on a rainy Saturday.

When it was all over, Lauren's team didn't loose a game, while Matt's team didn't win. They both got ice cream and had fun. Which I had to remind Lauren was what it's all about (the fun bit - not the ice cream). See, there was a bit of controversy after the championship game ended in a 1-1 tie. We had assumed they would play overtime or have a shootout to determine first place. They didn't. Rather, it was decided by total goals scored. Which gave it to the green team. The girls on the red team really wanted that 1st place trophy. But after the shock of disappointment wore off, it was all good.
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